
Project Compiler Launch

:: Project Compiler ::

Launched Project Compiler

It is a series of videos that aims to teach the concepts of computer science and programming through a non-existent game called "project compiler".


Ask for Change

Why is it that a lot of you people don't seem to care for the society?
Or you care but you don't want to do anything about? (I'm not even sure if thats still caring)


The Poll has been fixed guys!

Please revote for the female bonjing! Thank You!



Mr. and Mrs. Bonjing Semi Finalists!

Here they are the semi-finalists of the Mr. and Ms. Bonjing 2009!
There is a tie breaker, please vote again!


Take our time

Btw, just wanted to dedicate this post to God

Take your time to reflect on what God has given us today
Another day to wake up to
Another day for the people to live in
the water we drink,
the air we breath,
the food we eat,
the school we go to,
the things that make us smile in the day,
and the things that hurt us to make us grow.

God has touched my heart, may He touch yours too.

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